
Sam's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 553 (From 97 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 5,945 Points


Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/280 points)

The Legend 25 Points

Go through the whole intro without skipping.

Credits 5 Points

Check out the Credits page!

Not Like The Others 50 Points

Finish the game without Lucia ever dying to traps or pits.

And There Was Light 100 Points

Finish the game!

Omnipotent Orb 100 Points

Finish the game without ever destroying the Orb.

Slime's Cake Quest

Medals Earned: 3/7 (15/45 points)

Barf 5 Points

Throw up a food item

Boing 5 Points

Bounce on a spring

Going down 5 Points

Enter the Earth

Click 5 Points

Push a button

Dead 5 Points

You are dead

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Stamper's Quest For Fags

Medals Earned: 3/7 (15/200 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Occasional Smoker 10 Points

Score 50 points in easy mode.

2 pack-a-day 25 Points

Score 50 points in medium mode.

Chain Smoker 50 Points

Score 50 points in advanced mode.

Full-Time Addict 100 Points

Score 100 points in nightmare mode.

Super Adventure Pals

Medals Earned: 2/20 (10/500 points)

2 COOL 4 SCHOOL 5 Points

Complete the tutorial


Kill your first enemy

BRAGGER 5 Points

Get an overall a rating


Donate money to the snow man


Kill one hundred enemies

FAMILY MAN 10 Points

Help the penguins start a family

LAW MAN 10 Points

Redeem yourself to the sheriff

OUTLAW 10 Points

Help Stabby break out of jail

TEARS OF JOY 10 Points

Return the farmer's pig


Kill one thousand enemies


Defeat the fish boss


Defeat the jelly fish boss

RICH 25 Points

Find one thousand coins

SPIDER MAN 25 Points

Defeat the spider boss


return the old mans speedos

CHAMPION 50 Points

Beat the final boss


Complete all levels


Beat a level set without dieing


Find one million coins

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Super Chibi Knight

Medals Earned: 3/24 (20/420 points)

Scrollin' on da River 5 Points

Read the Library scrolls

Jelly Much? 10 Points

Defeat the two giant slimes

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Convalescent Conversationalist 5 Points

Talk to the old man

New Ground 5 Points

Visit Tom Fulp in his war blimp

Egg Scrambler 10 Points

Return the Phoenix Eggs to the Beastmaster doorway

Glow Sticker 10 Points

Deliver the required glow flies to restore light

Kamehameha! 10 Points

Harness your Hadou with fireball power

Medicine Mixer 10 Points

Wake up Jorge the Drunk

Mini Michaelangelo 10 Points

Carve a sculpture for the Pirate

Son Savior 10 Points

Return the missing boy to his parents

Spice is Life 10 Points

Defeat the Desert Sand Worm

Spinny Wrists 10 Points

Learn to twirl your sword

Stings and Stones 10 Points

Defeat the Red Wasps

Crabby Patty 25 Points

Defeat the Ultra-Crab

My Stash! 25 Points

Find Nathan

Ork-estrated Attacker 25 Points

Defeat the Yellow Ork

Phoenix Phreedom 25 Points

Free the One-eyed Phoenixes from their cages

Roy Orb-ison 25 Points

Return the 3 orbs to the well

Wom-battler 25 Points

Defeat the Blue Wombat

Muncher Plague Eliminator 50 Points

Sacrifice 3 XP Munchers on the Forest Altar

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Super Invaders

Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/305 points)

10 Enemies Killed 5 Points

10 Enemies Killed

Upgrade Bought 5 Points

Upgrade Bought

100 Enemies Killed 10 Points

100 Enemies Killed

25 Upgrades Bought 10 Points

25 Upgrades Bought

1000 Enemies Killed 25 Points

1000 Enemies Killed

All Upgrades Bought 25 Points

All Upgrades Bought

Boss Reached 25 Points

Boss Reached

Boss Killed 50 Points

Boss Killed

Great Score 50 Points

Score more then 25000

Awesome Score 100 Points

Score more then 50000

super sweatshop mastar

Medals Earned: 1/3 (25/175 points)

1000 km 25 Points

Go 1000 km for the mother land

5000 km 50 Points

Go 5000 km for great power

10000 km 100 Points

Go 10000 km to prove your loyalty

Tankmen 2: The Chase

Medals Earned: 2/3 (20/70 points)

88MPH 10 Points

You know I'm a sucker for Back To The Future references!

Bullseye 10 Points

Fire the cannon five times without missing

Marathon 50 Points

Reach 42195m

The Duder Dilemma

Medals Earned: 3/4 (100/200 points)

Hick-tory 25 Points

Defeat the boss

Red-headed step-child 25 Points

Buy all upgrades, including the jetpack

Corn-fed-erate soldier 50 Points

Earn 2500 points or more

Yokel Anesthetic 100 Points

Beat the boss without upgrading anything

the Engineer

Medals Earned: 5/7 (60/135 points)

Bomber 5 Points

Place a bomb on destructible terrain

Maxified Turret 10 Points

Upgrade any turret to its maximum

Maxified Armor 10 Points

Fully upgrade your armor

Maxified Weapon 10 Points

Fully upgrade a hand held weapon

Survivor 25 Points

Last 2 minutes in survival mode

Fully Loaded 25 Points

Buy all hand held weapons at once

Time for a FemBot 50 Points

Finish Zach Scrap's Campaign